Request an Identification

Which Idaho county did you find this specimen in?

Request an Identification

Location: If the specimen was found outside of Idaho then please describe the location where you found the specimen. If in the United States please give us the City, County and State. If outside the United States then please provide the name of the country. If the specimen was found on a reservation then please provide the name.

When did you find this specimen?

Request an Identification

How many individual specimens did you see or estimate there are? Please enter a whole number. If large amounts then please estimate.

Request an Identification

Which habitat best describes where you found the specimen? Select all that apply and add details if applicable.

Inside house (specify what area)
In yard (specify area: e.g. garden, lawn, tree, underground)
In food product (specify food product)
On animal (specify animal species)
Farm field (specify crop)
Other (please specify)

Request an Identification

Was this specimen found on a plant?

Request an Identification

If yes, what type of plant species was it found on (be as specific as possible)?

What part of the plant was the specimen found on/in?

Does it appear the specimen has caused damage to the plant? If so, please describe the symptoms/damage.

Request an Identification

Did the specimen interact in any way with you or another person (e.g. sting, bite, excreted smelly substance, made a noise when scared)? If yes, please explain or continue to the next question.

Request an Identification

Contact information.

First name

Last name

Email address

Phone number(optional)

Request an Identification

Without any additional information about this specimen would you say you believe it is a pest?

What are your concerns regarding this specimen? (Select all that apply) (Must check at least one box)

It will cause physical harm to myself or another human
Nuisance pest (mostly annoying or stress inducing)
It will cause physical harm to an animal (e.g. livestock, pets)
Not concerned, just curious about the identification
It will damage my plants/crops
It will damage my property (e.g. food storage, house, clothing)
Other (please describe)

Request an Identification

If you were unable to get an identification of this specimen what would be your most likely response?

Request an Identification

In order to help have a prompt and successful identification, we will need pictures of the specimen. If you have a picture, click on the browse button below, otherwise your request may take addtional time. ***You must click "Submit" at the bottom of this page for your response to be recorded otherwise we will not be able to respond to you.***

Tips: Take photos of the head, wings, legs, antennae and back. Use a penny/dime next to your specimen to indicate its size.

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By submitting these images you are certifying that you own the rights to the photos submitted and that you authorize the University of Idaho College of Agricultural and Life Sciences to use my submitted photograph in editorial or marketing materials.

Verify yourself
